Saturday, November 9, 2013

I want to share a personal study that I had the other day that changed the way I look for answers to my prayers.

Ether Chapter 3-
In this chapter, the Brother of Jared is very specific on his report to the Lord of the task in finding a solution to light up the boats to cross the sea.  In his prayer, he glorifies God, and then asks a very specific favor in verse 4:
"...therefore touch these stones, O Lord, with thy finger and prepare them that they may shine forth in darkness...".

His question was so specific and he obviously was asking with great faith.  However, the Brother of Jared's reaction to his plea is rather interesting.  In verse 6, it says:

"...behold, the Lord stretched forth his hand and touched the stones, one by one with his finger.  And the veil was taken from the eyes of the Brother of Jared and he saw the finger of the Lord... and the Brother of Jared fell down before the Lord for he was struck with fear."

Why was the Brother of Jared so scared?  Didn't he receive EXACTLY what he asked for?  If he was so specific with his questions, and he got exactly what he wanted, why would he ever be struck with fear?In verses 8-9, it says, "... I feared lest he should smite me, for I knew not that the Lord had flesh and blood. And the Lord said unto him: Because of thy faith thou hast seen that I shall take upon me flesh and blood; and never has man come before me with such exceeding faith as thou hast."

Upon receiving the help that the Brother of Jared needed, he also received unexpected revelation about Jesus Christ. Not only did the Lord touch and light up the stones that were previously prepared, but He gave a little extra revelation to his humble, pleading servant. Although initially scared, the Brother of Jared was spiritually prepared to accept what the Lord had in store for him.  As we read on, we come to find out that the Lord reveals to the Brother of Jared that he has a spiritual body.  From this point forward, it doesn't mention anything about the Brother of Jared having more fear. Rather, he became a spiritual giant and one of the greatest prophets of his time.

From this experience, we can learn that not only should we be looking for the answers to the questions that we are asking/ have previously asked, but we should also prepare ourselves to receive the further light and knowledge that the Lord sees fit to bestow upon us. I know as we spiritually prepare for more revelation, we will also build the Lord's trust that He has in us and will be able to stand before him without fear.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments :) Thanks!

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